miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

Step 2

The supply and demand labour in Colombia

The most recent report on unemployment offered by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), says that in October this indicator was consolidated in 8.6%, 0.3% more than what was recorded in the same month of the previous year.
One of the managers in Colombia of the employment agency Adecco, Daniel Parra, interprets this figure as the sample that in the country the labor supply is still greater than the demand, especially the sector that brings together people with a higher degree of professionalization . The top of the employment sectors that have generated most job opportunities in 2017 is led by wholesale and retail trade with 30%, followed by the manufacturing industry with 26% and Financial establishments, insurance, real estate and services with 19%

Community, social and personal services, construction and other sectors are also part of this list with 30%, 26% and 19%, respectively.
The explanation of why these sectors rebound in the list, according to what Adecco said, is due to the growth they have had, so that greater increase more workforce is required.

If there are charges, Adecco says that the most demanded were commercial, merchants and promoters by 31%, operators, supervisors and production managers 14%, administrative, accounting and financial 12%, warehouse and warehouse 9%, operators , engineers, draughtsmen, architects and cashiers 6%, industrial maintenance 4%, cleaning and cleaning 3%, drivers 3%, kitchen and waiters 3% and other 3%.

On the other hand, the list of cities that have hired the most this 2017 is headed by Bogotá, with a notable difference, representing 57%. The capital is followed by Medellín with 9%, Pereira 7%, Barranquilla 4%, Yumbo 4%, Bucaramanga 2%, Palmira 2% and other cities 4%.

In Colombia it is easier for a bachelor to get work than for a professional, this is what can be concluded by looking at the labor demand figures by academic levels.

The bachelor is the most demanded in the country with 59%, followed by the professional technician with 13%, the professional with 9%, the one who completed the basic primary with 7%, the technologist with 6%, the one who completed the technical average 5% and other levels, such as those who have a graduate degree, with 1%.

Transversal to all the above, a relevant fact that Adecco throws is that English proficiency opens doors and gives advantage to those who aspire to occupy a professional position.

Fount: https://www.elespectador.com/economia/buscando-empleo-estos-son-los-trabajos-con-mas-demanda-en-colombia-articulo-729571

Colombia's economy is of medium-high income. It stands out in the international arena due to the important growth it has experienced in the last decade in the export of merchandise and the attractiveness it offers to foreign investment. It is the fourth largest economy in Latin America, after those of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. In the international classification, it is among the 30 largest in the world.

Until the 1950s and even until the previous decade, Colombia's main means of earning foreign currency was mainly focused on external sales of coffee. However, there are several sectors that made Colombia one of the most recognized countries for its production, such as emeralds and floriculture. It also highlights the sectors of the automotive industry, textiles and is a major exporter of gold, sapphires and diamonds, among other products

Fount: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Econom%C3%ADa_de_Colombia

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